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Office of Innovative Instruction and eLearning (OIIE)

创新教学和电子学习办公室(OIIE)与康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学校合作,确定和开发学术课程, innovate instructional strategies based in research and learning theory, and support faculty in the design, development, and delivery of learning experiences that foster wise, honorable, and cultivated citizens.

Instructional Design and Development

OIIE致力于为我们的教师提供最好的工具和资源,以促进学生的深度学习和有意义的体验. In working with an instructional designer, you may develop new media for instruction, improve course organization, connect course activities that focus on student outcomes, or consider student situational outcomes when delivering course curriculum. Contact us to learn how our Instructional Designers can assist you.

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Seema Atalla

Director, Instructional Design


After studying comparative literature at UCLA, Seema Atalla的职业生涯始于文学翻译和社区大学教授. She taught in the English department at Mt. 在圣安东尼奥学院任教近十年,主要专注于发展性写作课程. 她还发起了世界语言系阿拉伯语课程的发展, writing curriculum and creating instructional materials, then becoming the first to teach Arabic classes at Mt. SAC.

Eventually she returned to graduate school to earn her M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology from Cal State Fullerton, completing a five-semester cohort-based program with honors. 她的论文项目侧重于促进学生参与的高影响力实践.

2015年,Seema加入康考迪亚大学欧文分校,担任教学设计助理主任. She served in that position for nearly three years, before her promotion to the role of Director in August 2018. 作为主任,她的任务是管理所有项目的在线课程开发. 她还继续与主题专家一对一合作,设计和开发个人课程. At Concordia University Irvine, Seema appreciates the warm and welcoming community, 也有机会与校园里的许多教职员工一起工作. She also enjoys the opportunities for Christian fellowship, and especially loves the traditional hymns at Tuesday-Thursday chapel.

Sarah Yoon

Instructional Designer


在加州大学欧文分校学习历史后,莎拉决定成为一名高中教师. Shortly after graduation, 她去日本进行了为期6个月的传教之旅,这改变了她的生活和目标. During her mission trip, she saw how the English language could bridge gaps between cultures, so she changed her focus from history to English as a second language (ESL).

Sarah earned her M.A. 比奥拉大学英语教学(TESOL)学位. She started her teaching career at a small college. 然后,她开始在阿纳海姆的一所私立学校教书,在那里她呆了六年. 在接受教育7年半后,她开始追求教学设计的职业生涯.

Sarah在UCI完成了她的电子学习教学设计认证. Prior to joining Concordia University Irvine, she worked for Orange County, creating multiple courses for its employees in OCPW. She is excited that she can use her knowledge, experience, 她在康考迪亚大学尔湾分校担任教学设计师,对教育充满热情.

Academic Media Development

我们喜欢分享我们的专业知识,通过将基于媒体的教学方法和互动性纳入课程,支持学术媒体倡议, seminars, speaking engagements, workshops, and trainings. In addition, we can create video lessons and animations to augment your on campus, online, or hybrid course. We would love to collaborate with you - please contact us.

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Alex Ray

Director, Academic Media Development


After earning his B.S. in Aquatic Biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 亚历克斯·雷是一名实地科学家,在圣巴巴拉和文图拉海岸外的北部海峡群岛的皮斯科实验室进行潮汐下海洋调查. 调查的目的是监测和评估海洋保护区在支持野生动物种群和生物多样性方面的有效性. Some of the results and conclusions can be found at CINMS After 10 Years.

亚历克斯最终离开了野外工作,回到学校,获得了生物学单学科教学资格证书, chemistry, and geosciences from the University of California, Irvine. 他在证书项目中的工作最终使他获得了UCI生物科学和教育媒体设计的理学硕士学位. 这反过来又使他获得了美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)的一项多年资助,其任务是调查文理综合课程对地球学生成绩的影响, life, and physical sciences. Publications of results are pending.

In 2016, 亚历克斯来到尔湾康考迪亚大学加入创新教学和电子学习办公室,他目前担任学术媒体发展主任. Although his responsibilities vary, 他的学术和研究兴趣集中在有效地利用媒体来支持学生的学习方式,这在他自己的本科和研究生教育期间是不容易获得的. 他特别感兴趣的是定制异步设计的概念,通过使用有意的和机会性的学习机会来满足学生的空间和时间限制,并将它们与适当的教学媒体相匹配.

Alex and his wife, Jess, live in Dana Point with their two children. When he can get the time, 他喜欢在加利福尼亚和巴哈海岸线自由潜水和用鱼叉捕鱼, after a good day on the water, feeding his family freshly caught treats from the deep.

Faculty Training and Development

教师培训和发展部(FTD)是创新教学和电子学习办公室的一部分. FTD(以前的CELT)促进了以学习者为中心的多样化教学环境的创造和支持. Request individual or group training on educational technologies.

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  • Dr. John Randall Dr. John Randall
  • Senior Director, Office of Innovative Instruction and eLearning
  • (949) 214-3358
Dr. John Randall

Senior Director, Office of Innovative Instruction and eLearning


Dr. 自1994年以来,约翰·兰德尔一直在帮助其他人在教育环境中使用技术. 他的职业生涯开始于担任企业讲师,培训员工使用各种软件应用程序. In 1998, 约翰接受了在森林湖的恒久救主路德教会和学校担任技术协调员的职位, California, where he taught computer classes, managed the network, servers, and website, as well as helped teachers use technology in a sound pedagogical manner. In 2004, 他开始在欧文的康考迪亚大学担任教育学院的兼职教授. In 2007, 他在Concordia Irvine全职担任教学设计教授以及教师培训和发展高级总监. In 2016, 约翰在佩珀代因大学获得了教育博士学位,重点是学习技术.

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